Power BI vs Tableau

Tolga Boroğlu
3 min readOct 18, 2023


Power BI vs Tableau

Power BI and Tableau are both business intelligence tools used to visualize and analyze data. I will share my experiences as someone who has been using both of them recently while thinking about which one is better or more useful.

Power BI

Power BI icon

Power BI is an easy to use tool that works integrated with Excel.It can also be integrated with other Microsoft products.Since it is a Microsoft product, it has the disadvantage that it cannot be installed directly on the Macbook.When using Power BI, Power Query is used to clean and visualize data, and there are many resources on Power Query to help you learn Power BI faster.Power BI’s DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language is considered more powerful and versatile.In addition, the Power BI community is wider compared to Tableau, and I quickly received solutions to the problems I had while preparing the dashboard.However, Tableau has less powerful data preparation capabilities than Power BI. It often relies on pre-preparation of data.In professional business life, if you work in companies that use Microsoft products, companies may often prefer Power BI.Finally, you can use Power BI for free, but if you want to take advantage of more features, you will have to pay.In general, I have used Power BI in my personal projects and freelance work, but I do not have Power BI experience in professional business life, if anyone has more information on this subject, they can share it with me in the comments.


Tableau Icon

Tableau is the business intelligence tool that I am more experienced with and use more in my professional business life.Learning Tableau is quite easy if you know a programming language.You can use measure expressions to perform some functions and calculations in Tableau. Tableau’s measure expressions are used to transform and filter data and perform custom calculations. These expressions allow users to write functional code to meet specific business needs. Calculation expressions have a similar structure to basic programming languages.Recently, it has been integrated with many data sources, which is a big advantage.In my opinion, Tableau’s user interface is easier than Power BI, you can drag and drop visualizations, which is more motivating for someone who is just starting to learn in this field.You can create and share dashboards for free using Tableau Public, but if you want to use Tableau Professional, you need to pay a fee.

As a result, when I compare both, Tableau is the better choice for me because it is easier to use and more intuitive. Also, not being able to install Power BI directly on a Macbook is a big disadvantage.However, Power BI is highly preferred by companies because of its integration with Microsoft products.Both are very useful and if you learn them you will gain an advantage in business. My favorite business intelligence tool is Tableau, which is your favorite?

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