
Tolga Boroğlu
4 min readMay 1, 2024

What is a Monolith ?

Monolith & Its downsides


  • Before microservices, a monolithic architecture was the standard
  • All components are part of single unit
  • In 1 codebase
  • Everthing is developed, deployed and scaled as 1 unit
  • App must be written with 1 tech stack
  • Teams need to be careful to not affect each other’s work
  • 1 single artifact, so you must redeploy the entire application on each update
  • Standard way of developing application

Challenges of monolithic architecture

  • Application is too large and complex
  • Parts are more tangled into each other
  • You can only scale the entire app , instead of a specific service
  • Higher infrastructure costs
  • Difficultly if services need different dependency versions

